How to achieve this cinema feel?


New Member

I've been looking for some companies to record and edit a videoclip for my band, but all the viable ones i found look kinda amateur comparing to other professional videoclips...
Their work simply don't have that "cinema" rendering feeling.

My biggest concern is if this difference comes from the recording gear and techniques or from a post-production/editing/mastering/rendering (sorry, i'm not familiar with video vocabulary).

If it's a post-production issue, i think i can find someone to fix this problem, but if it's a capturing/recording problem then i have to discard those companies as viable options.
Actually...can it really be done/ is it commonly done? Is it common that companies accept this kind of deal? ( recording the video with a particular company and getting all the image/video treatment done some place else?)

Here is a videoclip from one of the companies i mentioned:

And here's the professional videoclip that i'm comparing with:

Just as a note, i know that there are probably lots and lots of differences, but what i'm aiming for is this "movie-like" rendering that the professional videoclip have.

Can anyone help me with this?

Thanks in advance!!