If you are not with a network, you get 55% and Google takes 45%. If you're with a network (which is what they were referring to) You get a share, Google does and the networks' takes a share too.
My Auction True View In Streams get 10.51 CPM.... I'd love to get $45! Maybe I'll have to hunt down a Norway market, lol.Auction TrueView In-Stream - This is the one that makes the most money but you normally don't get them very often, if you go into your Analytics this advert will probably be around $15-$25.
Standard Reserved In-Stream - This is basically the same but doesn't make as much money (I think this is the one you can skip but I'm not too sure)
Oh also if you click on either one of these you can see which country pays the most and who's paying you the least.. If I got 1000 views of Auction TrueView ads from Norway I would get around $45-$50! :") but that's very unlikely...
All contract splits are different and it's what you agree on when you sign for your contract, for example mine it 70/30.. RPM also have contracts that are 50/50 so basically I've got one of the better contracts because I get more of the money that my videos make.
For websites it is 68% yes and for YouTube it's 55%. You can see the share you get in your agreement with YouTube.My adsense account tells me my contract is "68% publisher revenue share" - which is what I got in the past with adsense ads on some websites I used to own. Will I get this same % share when I decide to monetize my YT channel or would it be the 55% that you mention?
For websites it is 68% yes and for YouTube it's 55%. You can see the share you get in your agreement with YouTube.
Its all depends on the CPM/RPM and your views.