How many of your videos survived the Youtube AgeGate filter?

That's actually a possibility, since its already rated a certain way, the algorithm knows that the video is not suitable for all. I have a friend who does Tekken videos with little to no swearing in them and yep they're mostly restricted.
I have a Nioh blacksmith guide, but all other guides (even other for blacksmith) I have made are not showing so I think that's very strange, it just looks random
Interesting. When viewing my Videos page as a Returning Subscriber, I have 13.5 pages of videos with it turned off, and 9 pages with it turned on. So it looks like 2/3 or 66.6% of my channel survived. Haha, 666, how appropriate!
Basically all of my videos are still up except for my old Call of Duty: Heroes series... really nothing inappropriate in those videos though. Must be the whole Call of Duty brand having an age restriction normally on the games because channels like Midnite and Nadeshot have no COD related content showing. It's just nadeshots VLOGS left. Midnite has nothing haha
I hadn't even heard of this filter until now! I tried it out of curiosity... of my most viewed videos, only one of my videos from the top page got filtered out. A video of a wood duck quacking. : I Maybe because it is a video that a lot of hunters watch, even though it has nothing directly to do with hunting;.. Meanwhile, a video of a heron eating a frog was fine : )
By the way. Is agegate the real name? Or just using the game suffix like it's a scandal, similar to whitewater gate?
I get the feeling a lot of people are referring to Agegate like Watergate, a scandal style scenario (what I thought it was). But I've found references to Age Gate requirements on forums as far back as 2009 (colonyofgamers) as well as Quora and Google Products pages from 2011 where people specifically asked how to set up an Age Gate. So apparently it is a real thing and apparently nothing new because the comments/rants/questions/opinions/etc. are exactly the same now that they were nearly a decade ago.

What I really don't understand is... when I'm logged out of YouTube, all these videos people keep saying have been blocked I can see. I can click on the videos and watch them. For instance, all of Naybors 22 videos, including the ones he specifically mentioned were blocked, I can see and watch. So I log in, all 22 videos still visible and watchable without an age restriction warning. It's this way with everyone's channels...
I get the feeling a lot of people are referring to Agegate like Watergate, a scandal style scenario (what I thought it was). But I've found references to Age Gate requirements on forums as far back as 2009 (colonyofgamers) as well as Quora and Google Products pages from 2011 where people specifically asked how to set up an Age Gate. So apparently it is a real thing and apparently nothing new because the comments/rants/questions/opinions/etc. are exactly the same now that they were nearly a decade ago.

What I really don't understand is... when I'm logged out of YouTube, all these videos people keep saying have been blocked I can see. I can click on the videos and watch them. For instance, all of Naybors 22 videos, including the ones he specifically mentioned were blocked, I can see and watch. So I log in, all 22 videos still visible and watchable without an age restriction warning. It's this way with everyone's channels...
Because I bet your account is listed as being over 18... so of course you can see them all.
Because I bet your account is listed as being over 18... so of course you can see them all.
What I really don't understand is... when I'm logged out of YouTube, all these videos people keep saying have been blocked I can see

Wouldn't matter if I'm not logged in. Not to mention most of the people in this thread are over 18... I think... either that or I'm a really bad judged of age, lol.