Sir Jaxxy
Active Member
Wow sorry to hear that, I barely use the RPM forums except lurk there once and awhile. It seems like a nice place to pickup some tips, but in 1 year I may have posted there maybe 10 times.
Thanks, outside of the forum and the custom thumbnails ability I really am not sure where the benefit of being partnered is. They say that they get you higher paying ads but in talking to folks with straight YouTube partnerships I really can't see them doing that at least for my little account. I thought we got some protection against copyright issues from let's plays, but, a staff member posted in the forum that sense RPM is not a gaming network they don't cut any deals with devs and publishers to cover their partnered gaming channels. I have also read post from staff saying that it is not RPM's job to help promote partnered channels. So I honestly have no clue what I am giving RPM 40% of my earnings for other then a custom thumbnail and to hope to be noticed someday, once I have grown on my own, by Polaris (TGS).