Absolutely not. My personal observation shows that people who are obsessed with SEO tend to have channels that actually grow. But as you get bigger, there's gonna be a general tendency not to care as much.

thats true, also SEO is a part time job of mine now. show me some numbers and graphs and let me get the tissues!
Oh I'm by no means an expert, just sharing my thoughts :) I use the Keyword Planner, Google Trends and keywordtool.io/youtube to get an idea what the most popular keywords are and which ones are related. Then I make sure that I use them in the first 3 lines of the description. The tags section has very little value nowadays.

Never used Google trends, will check it out.
What`s the purpose of keywordtool.io/youtube? I`ve seen it before, but did not find any use for it. Looked like a scammer site, where I should pay for a membership, to see, how often these keyword are searched in Google, what I can already see for free on Google keyword planner. Am I missing something? :D

No, I found tags are very important. But you have to bond them together with description. I also found that it`s very important to use tags similar with main keyword - it helps to rank up the main keyword. I`ve tested this with my videos.

No way! That's such a funny coincidence :D I like hearing that my video was suggested, thanks for telling me! :thumbsup2: May she be the one who left a comment on my video?

I don`t know, if she left a comment for you, but I found it very interesting. I think somehow Universe knew we had to talk. :)
You can see, where your video is suggested, by putting your video name (full) in the search bar in quotes. All results will be the places, where your video can be found, is suggested. Learned this on YTtalk thanks to @KiddieToysReview :)
Here's something simple to try that works amazingly well:

In YT search bar, enter "keyword a" ... "keyword z"

Pick all relevant to your video. The top 5 are harder to rank for and are searched more often. The bottom few are easier to rank for and usually have older, outdated videos, that should you make a video, and get ~2k views, you'll rank page 1.

Google traffic is theoretically great, if you have an optimized website with all your content. It would be hard to rank on google page 1 video result unless it's hyper-long tailed. I would not worry too much about google keywords at this stage of growth.

I did exactly what you did at the start, try to optimize for YT + G search. I found the Google keywords a waste of time as a new channel with no authority. Currently, External traffic is 0.1% with 32% off G search, and this is with many videos using G keywords. So that's 0.032% of traffic coming from G. Not even worth the time to create an Excel for.


Now if a channel grows to 100k+ AND has an updated website, then I would consider trying to optimize for G. Even then, I would optimize the website on page SEO for G, not the YT tags/descriptions so much.
oooh SEO p**n thread :) is it sad that i am this interested in SEO? lol

I have no idea, what this means.

Absolutely not. My personal observation shows that people who are obsessed with SEO tend to have channels that actually grow. But as you get bigger, there's gonna be a general tendency not to care as much.

I`m not obsessed with SEO, but I want to depend on something I can control, not pure luck. But what you say gives me more confidence to continue my research on SEO.
Absolutely not. My personal observation shows that people who are obsessed with SEO tend to have channels that actually grow. But as you get bigger, there's gonna be a general tendency not to care as much.

Spot on! For a newish channel with little authority, all the algorithm has to go on is the metadata. If that's missing or wrong, you're toast. As you build authority, the algorithm knows more about you. It seems once you get to about 500k+ subs, SEO matters less as you've built that authority/trust. I bet at 1M+ subs, you can leave the tags empty and description at 1 line with a subscribe link, and still get 200k views in a few days.

Sort of like the boss doesn't need to keep looking over your shoulder to make sure you're not gobbing down the patties between drive-through orders (you'd be surprise how many times that happens).
In YT search bar, enter "keyword a" ... "keyword z"

Pick all relevant to your video. The top 5 are harder to rank for and are searched more often. The bottom few are easier to rank for and usually have older, outdated videos, that should you make a video, and get ~2k views, you'll rank page 1.

What do you mean with "keyword a" and "keyword z"? Just brainstorm around the main theme of the video and think of search terms relevant to the video? And pick the bottom searches YT is suggesting?

I did exactly what you did at the start, try to optimize for YT + G search. I found the Google keywords a waste of time as a new channel with no authority. Currently, External traffic is 0.1% with 32% off G search, and this is with many videos using G keywords. So that's 0.032% of traffic coming from G. Not even worth the time to create an Excel for.

I have 26 % of traffic coming from external sources with 51% being Google search, making 13% of all traffic coming from G. Is ti still a bad result?

But huge thanks for sharing your opinion, I really appreciate it.
What do you mean with "keyword a" and "keyword z"? Just brainstorm around the main theme of the video and think of search terms relevant to the video? And pick the bottom searches YT is suggesting?

I have 26 % of traffic coming from external sources with 51% being Google search, making 13% of all traffic coming from G. Is ti still a bad result?

But huge thanks for sharing your opinion, I really appreciate it.

13% is great from search. I keep forgetting that every channel's traffic sources are very different. In your case, definitely maximize that.

For the keywords, say I want to make a video with kids and toys at the playground. So I type in "playground a"... "playground b"... all the way to "playground z" and get ideas of keywords around that. Below are examples for a, b, c, f, but in real research I go through the whole alphabet.


So in this case, I would consider the keywords:
playground accidents
playground backflip
playground ball
playground balls kids
playground challenge
playground children
playground for kids
playground fun
playground fun for kids
playground fun place

You'll notice it catches some from near the top, and some from near the bottom. So assuming you can get traffic, the video will rank easily for those at the bottom, and perhaps some near the top.

So when planning the video I would get the kids to do a challenge, throw a ball at each other and down the slides, do some flips on the grass, etc, to catch those keywords. Works the same if you have a video already, pick the keywords with what's in the video already.
oooh SEO p**n thread :) is it sad that i am this interested in SEO? lol
Haha, SEO p**n, love it. I'm with you on this, I love stats and trying to master the system but I don't think it can be done. All YouTube experts say that SEO is becoming less relevant as the algorithm gets smarter.

You can see, where your video is suggested, by putting your video name (full) in the search bar in quotes. All results will be the places, where your video can be found, is suggested. Learned this on YTtalk thanks to @KiddieToysReview :)
Ooooooh I didn't know that. That's awesome! My latest video is being suggested quite a bit, which is unusual for me. Maybe the algorithm is finally taking pity on me ;)

So I type in "playground a"... "playground b"... all the way to "playground z"
First of all, thank you for the tip that uncovers the suggested spots! :thumbsup2:
For listing the autocomplete results I use the site keywordtool.io/youtube that I mentioned earlier @Morbidejs. It goes through all the letters plus words in questions like "how", "where" etc. Very convenient :D