How Does a Channel Pop Up & Get 70k Subs In Its 1st Month?


New Member
There are a few channels in the political spectrum that are just popping up and getting massive views and subs and comments within a month or so. There is one in particular called Trump Truth Watch that shows a start date of January 4th (I believe). It has millions of views, around 70 thousand subs, a crap load of comments and I can't find any reason for it. No website, short tail keywords and last I checked it didn't appear as if they themselves were doing much if any social media. When I first found the channel about 3 weeks ago the estimated revenue was about 5k, now it's over 30k according to VidIQ. Most of what they're doing is just uploading clips from CNN. How is this even possible?[DOUBLEPOST=1487957020,1487956464][/DOUBLEPOST]I stand corrected... there is a created on the 15th of this month... so it still wouldn't explain the traffic to the channel
They are botting, connected somehow to a bigger channel or have filled a demand that wasn't being filled
Well since they are using a channel called "Trump Truth Watch". They are running the channel on a trend since everyday Trump is in the news for one thing or another. With the mass amounts of people looking up Trump lately, that would be my guess.
It could be people who already have a massive following else where.

Also they could be pumping tons of money into ads.
Like thousands.
There is one in particular called Trump Truth Watch that shows a start date of January 4th (I believe). It has millions of views, around 70 thousand subs, a crap load of comments and I can't find any reason for it.

If the YouTube algorithms determine that your content is "good" then YouTube suggests your channel and videos to people they think would watch. "good" is determined algorithmically via metrics, primarily watch time. Opinion means nothing.
They hit what was trending at the right time with good SEO tactics. I only believe in "luck" on YouTube in a few cases but the more I learn about SEO the more I realize this is calculated moves that makes them grow!