how do create better channel art?

I had the same channel link problem... copy and paste was leaving out a few characters on the tail, thus broken link
well, i love your logo, the only issue i see right now is that the cover image looks like a blown up version of your logo loosing its detail, is there a way you can get the designer (or yourself of you designed it) to use the full version of the logo in their instead of an enlarged version of a smaller version, other than that, i like the sleek minimalist look of the banner. maybe make the box thinner and and a second smaller box? or you could overlay some texture as well. also. as far as your thumbnails go. one of the most important thing i found is to actually create thumbnails for each video, as that is what is going to draw people to click it. Another note, i actually used to use the exact same intro as you lol, it would be on my first video on my channel i believe, the A-Skillz Live at sapphire video ;) keep up the good work man!