How did you choose your channel name?

I chose the channel name Punkprinc3ss because I like to dress punk rock and listen to punk music. I also choose that name because originally I was going to just post my music on my channel, but producing an ep cost a lot of money so I have to put my music on hold for now.
my chanel comes from ancient folklore that exist in my area yaisatu jawa tengah, Indonesia. he is a very famous and very powerful king. also a magnificent king in love of his work, so his story became a legend until now
I became vegan suddenly after watching some documentaries on youtube, so i then decided to document my vegan journey and see where it would take me. That's how I got my branding name lol! my channel just pretty much took a life of it's own and it became all about the food! Which is fine by me, i love food!
Digital beast just seems to roll off the tounge.
My original online name was Bouncy Blood Beast, but it was too long!

Digital Beast is like a nebula ram skeleton monster. I just like nebulas. A lot XD.
I like to think of things as feelings and places. Like digital beast is a warm summer night in a plain of grass with a large nebula above.
I try to establish this happy chill feeling though out my channel!

Bouncy blood beast sounded too hyper, and not what I felt the channel should be called. I was also going to have gaming at the end but that would also be way too long. I wanted people to come to my channel to relax and watch some gameplay and think of me as a friend.
To keep myself from repeating like 30 million more times, the name just felt more like a name than a channel! <3
When we started we named our show after our state "Fishing Virginia" but when we syndicated outside the state we ran into issues with the name. So went through hell with names for a couple of years until we just decided to name the show after the hose, me, Jim Baugh. I hated the name, but me and my dad were so sick of the name problems simply self titling the show was easier.
I recently changed my channel name because I figured out that with YouTube Buddy you can view the search frequency and competition for certain search tags. I wouldn't worry to much if the name is not amazing, if you watch or say something enough anything can sound good. Like, what's a pewdiepie? Or a smosh? These names are only good because you are familiar with them.
Cooking tutorials and my first name. Though, it kind of limits me on what types of videos I can upload to this channel. Hmm...
I wanted a channel name that could be used broadly for anything travel/activity related long-term. And I believe the term ''Escapism'' isnt overly saturated on medias yet, but have a great potential to be used even more going forward.

Originally I called it ''Viking Tourism Media''. Viking in relation to where I was living and Tourism related to anything travel related. However I ended up disliking it, and people would probably think it was more Viking than tourism related.
My artist name is "HiEnergy" and my channel is about music. That's what made my channel name. As simple as that. :coolphones:
i actually made a video on how i came up with a name. nothing special but newb because its better than noob because im willing to learn. and architect because that is what i practice in real life. so newbarchitect. but funny thing is i rarely do any architecture related videos in my channel. maybe that is why nobody sees my content...i have no idea. but i like narrating stories of my life experiences, of myself or with my wife. things of that nature. maybe i should change my channel name so its not misinterpreted? meh