Has anyone had this issue with Recording?


I've Got It
Hopefully I posting in the right place but this is something I've always struggled with! I just simply can't find the courage to record when family is home! Primarily my brother! I find myself consistently avoiding my scripts when hes home because I know he will hear me and will make fun of me later for it! :help: However with summer in full swing I have no choice! My question to you is have you had an issue with recording with family around?! If so how did you overcome the anxiety of it? Maybe talking about it will help me!
I feel like he doesn't sleep!! Hahah its difficult because between working 40 hours a week I only have specific blocks of time to get my youtube stuff done and blah! its just annoying that I have this problem! I'm glad I'm not the only one who has difficulty though! I'm sure your son would love to be in one of your videos!!! :bounce:
I normally shut my door when family is home if what I'm doing only requires what is in my bedroom. That way I can nullify the noise and have clear audio with a good microphone.

Now here is where things got....different for me. I started filming in other rooms and if everyone is home I'll ask them all to be quiet because I am going to film something. Normally it doesn't require me being loud so anyone can also sleep while I record. But talking to your family also helps if the only time you can film is when somebody is home. Just ask cause you never know. =]
I record audio in the morning when my parents are out just because my mic always picks up their background noise, even light typing or coughing. Then at night I edit since it doesn't bother anyone and vice versa, I can take my time with it.
Yeah I try to record when no ones home either! otherwise I try to close up my door and get it done as quick as possible! I think whats bothering me is the idea that my family thinks its a waste of my time to be doing this and i feel the judgement but im hoping over time it'll just blow over! I also find editing later after recording is good! It really allows me time to focus on just that rather than rush through it!
I prefer being completely alone as well when recording. it's very normal to feel that way. that being said, you gotta do what you gotta do to get things done.
I always close the door because even when nobody else is home, the dog barks at us when we use our "on camera" voices!