Gained almost 100 subs in 1 week!


Posting Mad!
Guys I just realised from the 15th till 22nd july I have increased from 630 ish to 720 subs!
Me ---> Happy land
It really is haha! inbox is jsut full of so and so has subscribed lol
Got a few channels which had no content int hem though so they could be dead accounts soon !
Sorry I cant reply to your other msg coz i'm under the posting limit atm (so annoying) but yes I find them pretty good so far.
Cheers dude now lets see if the next 7 days is the same haha![DOUBLEPOST=1343003602][/DOUBLEPOST]Posting limit wow u must post a fudge load! Hmm ok well they have pushed my vids alot higher in the seach box in fact i think im the ONLY partnred ssf4 lets player lol
Oh no no. Im UNDER the post limit. Apparently I need 25+ posts to reply to conversations :S

Also how do you get the youtube partner stamp on your profile there?
Im so un-speacial lol[DOUBLEPOST=1343004843][/DOUBLEPOST]Although you knew I was partnered?