Fifa street online video

Getting a program that records your gameplay would be a great start man, The angle you got the camera at the moment doesn't really focus on your footage and the surrounding sounds really take focus away. It'd be good to see how good yuo are at the game in more detail pal!
I agree with Azwolop, getting a program which records your gameplay would be a good start! It's a bit difficult to focus with the camera moving around so much. Also, keeping it a bit shorter and maybe explaining what you're doing, how the game works etc would be good and would keep the viewer entertained, as well as informing them about the game. 10 minutes is a long time for a video, it'd be pretty difficult to keep someone watching for that long even with a good program that shows the screen completely! It's a start, work on it though :-)
I'm not sure to be honest.. I'm no expert! Google it and see what other people use, there's probably a few programs, youll have to see what's available and suits your needs the best.
Have a google! If you want to continue making videos like this, if you're serious about it, it's something you should look in to