Feedback on what I can Improve on

Vontrell Spurlock

New Member
so ive just started my channel about a week ago and i would love some feedback on video quality, the length of my videos, entertainment value, and frequency of uploads..thank you for your help
In your newest video I think you offer some great college advice.

Length of videos I would say stick with the 5 minute mark, that felt like a good amount of time per video.

The top banner on your channel looks a little blurry.

Otherwise it looks good, keep at it!
  1. Youtube banner can be better, since you doing youtube now, you are not considering yourself as a brand, your brand represents who are you are and what your brand about.
  2. Length, eh honestly 5 - 6 mins tops, nothing over 10 mins unless you doing gameplay or something.
  3. If you are taking this serious, get a schedule when to upload or just upload frequently, consistency is key when it comes to being a personality on youtube.