Dream videos

Weekend Noobs

If the week gets you down then join us and unwind
I just had an idea and wanted your opinion and your ideas on how it should be portrayed.

I very often have random and bizarre dreams and I used to just tell my friends and they would laugh or say im weird lol

Would this be something you guys would be interested in seeing? And how should I do it? as Vlog? I have thought of actually acting it out but I dont have the technology and equipment to act out what I dream lol
Creating a cat who then turns into a woman licking my finger would be hard to edit with the program I have.
Also having a pixie as a girlfriend. Zombies attacking my school and dancing to thriller wouldnt be that difficult but I dont have any prosthetics etc lol
Would be awesome if I could film them. Plus theres also finding the time to meet up with people outside of work to film which again is very difficult at the moment. are there any other options besides Vlogs?.....I suppose I could create 2D animations kinda like Terry Gilliams animations in monty python or south park?