Does the Archfiend Block People that Give him Constructive Criticism?


I Love YTtalk
Dec 5, 2011
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I actually had to bust out the camera for this. My first ever video response on a forum.
I removed the video because screwbacca saw it. I plan on doing a version for my channel. So look for that!
--- merged: Jun 29, 2012 at 7:42 AM ---
He likely thought you were trolling. I disagree with him on make occasions; I even made a video response addressing one of his videos. He doesn't block on the basis of constructive criticism, but he rarely responds in a constructive manner. Normally he'll reject you in a circle-jerk type manner, and then ignore responses to that. He really isn't the best at these types of videos. After looking at his channel, he's kind of changed the types of videos he makes over time, so maybe he's doing something that he's more skilled at.
Dude! One guy on his AVGN fanboys are the worst video asked is he was going to see the AVGN movie. He said yes but that he would illeaglly download the video so he didn't have to pay money to see it. I then responded to him saying "So you're saying you would break the law to watch the AVGN movie" He deleted my comment and blocked me from his channel within 2 minutes. I wasn't trolling...I was asking a legitimate question and he just acted like a little b***h of a coward and ran away. The guy is a jerkoff. Think its only me? Search YouTube!. Videos all over the web expose this guy. Here's a great one!
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