Does commenting on other channels increase viewership

I think Youtube is smart and it will not working. You can create few VPSs, buy few facebook and twitter accounts, then try to watch it, share & comment for your videos. Good luck!
I actually commented on a channel and gained a few subs and one person told me they found me from the channel I commented. I mean it puts you out there yanno?
Huh, I never really thought about commenting on other channels as a way to gain more notice, though I have seen some spam my comments. I really should give it a try and see what happens, normally I rarely leave a comment.

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I have two channels, one I use for creating content and the other for watching it. If I was going to comment on a video would it be worth switching to the channel I make content on? Does commenting on a number of videos increase the amount of people who look at your channel I suppose is what I'm asking.
Well it can I have never seen a real big jump in likes dislikes comments views or subscribers from commenting on other videos and I comment on a lot of videos however that's not to say it can't work for other people if you comment something funny and you come and gets a lot of likes then the comment will show up a little bit higher and there's a strong possibility people will check out your Channel I've been pinned once but that really did nothing so it can help but it's not going to make you go viral or become the next PewDiePie or just become a YouTube sensation overnight it can help a little bit but it's not going to help you become world famous because see you comment on a video with 100 million views and the video has 118,000 comments not all 118,000 people are going to even see your comment or check your channel out but some of them might you just never know until it happens so yeah I can help a little but it's not going to make you a YouTube Star