Does commenting on other channels increase viewership

Oscar J Stones

I've Got It
I have two channels, one I use for creating content and the other for watching it. If I was going to comment on a video would it be worth switching to the channel I make content on? Does commenting on a number of videos increase the amount of people who look at your channel I suppose is what I'm asking.
Yes and no. The only true answer is that it CAN. Last year, I commented on a PewDiePie video. He hearted the comment (which is something he rarely ever does, and I legit went into fanboy mode when I got that notification on my phone. LOL), and it goes a ton of likes, naturally. Believe it or not.. I didn't gain any subs from that. Nor any spike in views. People just read the comment and went on with their day. However, commenting on videos, regardless of the outcome, does put your channel out there. The more people see it, the more people will recognize you. So that's one way to look at it. As long as you're actually commenting about the video and not spamming/self-promoting.
I definitely think it can help (it does for me).
When you have a smaller channel and react on videos of youtubers who have a similar amount of subs as you, it could help you get more interaction. Chances are quite big that they are going to take a look at your videos too and maybe leave a comment or sub to you.
Make sure, however, that you actually watch their video and leave a valid comment, not just something like 'hey nice video, check out my channel' 'cause that is spam and definitely will have the opposit effect.
Id say there is a small potential benefit. If you are going to comment anyway, may aswell do it from the channel you want people to click on.
Just make sincere comments and dont spam / ask for views etc
Yeah it works, but the results can really depend on the niche. I wouldn't expect much in the entertainment niche, but if you leave a knowledgeable comment on videos that provide information, it can cause people to check out your channel. I did it for a few hours a few months ago and I still get hits to my channel. If you scaled it up it could cause a flood of traffic. Just leave helpful and long comments and don't spam.
It can work, I guess. I don't know that I've ever gotten any kind of a viewer spike by commenting on the videos of others, certainly I've never had a big channel decide to subscribe to my channel or take a look at my videos that I know of. I comment because I have something to say and whatever happens, happens. It certainly wouldn't be a cornerstone of my growth strategy.
I run a music channel so all the similar ones to me who are professional and I like the music, I will comment...Every single day on about 8 uploads as they upload daily...I have even had people say they always see me in the comment sections and decided to check me out! So it is definitely worth it as it only takes a few minutes out of your day
I rarely find something to comment (although here I comment all the time :p hahaha) Anyway when I first read about this strategy I tried to do so. The result was to be an active commenter on one and only channel. I got myself a mention but it is more than that. I felt like I have a web friend. Now on I look my notifications to see if there is a new video relesed! :)
I mean, this morning I commented on a video, it got favorited, it got liked a ton of times, but It hasn't affected my subscriber numbers or watches a bit. Sure, it's only been a couple of hours but I've found that these things don't tend to get me anything, nor do I have any ulterior motives in mind when I comment.