Do some types of monetization effect watch time & traffic?


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Do some of the 4 types of ads make people leave the video early?

For me I know that when ads play in the middle of the video and cut it off, I leave. I can't stand that. But, do the sponsored cards or the Overlay in-video ads have a similar effect on other people? Currently I have the overlay, sponsor cards, and skippable ads turned on. I kind of feel like having both types of overlay ads may make some people stop watching, but I am not sure.

Do you find that one type of overlay ad works better than the other (sponsor cards vs overlay) or do you find that both of them together don't really effect much? If you reply with leave everything on because "more money" I will ignore you... I am willing to lose a few to make viewers happy and grow my audience. I'm not money hungry.
I don't think ads will make people go away, simply because only a fraction of them watch the ads. if I remember correctly it is just 30% of people being exposed to advertisements while the remaining 70% have adblockers or such (estimated 2017 figure) so I would not worry too much about it.
I used adblocker for the past 5-6 years, but I ended up whit-listing YouTube because I want to support my content creators. I don't think people really get upset over ads because they realize that's the only way people can continue to be making videos.
I'd say the type you pointed out which intrude in the middle of the video. From my experience, it gives me the chance to think, 'Do I really want to watch all of this?' and that means I often move on.
Unskippable ads at the beginning can do this too. If I was just clicking because there wasn't anything better, I'm likely to abandon after seeing an ad. I've never left a video due to an overlay.

It might be nice to add that the YouTube algorithm is programmed to display the best ads at the right times for viewers. It's not a perfect system, but it's one designed to not overserve ads at venerable times.
If you don't need to put ads then don't. This is already such a saturated market. Everyone has done the video you want to do and then some. If you are just starting out its unwise to use too many ads. Will people rather see your video with ads all over and especially 30-60 seconds worth of ads before the video over someone more established where they know they will like their video? No.. Watch the movie social network. Mark Zukerberg says in the begging of creating something ads aren't cool. They will ruin your chance of becoming something before it even happens. Are ads even worth it for you? You have to make $100 before you can even cash out your earned revenue money. To even get there you have to have over a million views for a new channel. So if you aren't making those numbers stick to no ads, look to just build your audience and when you get 1,000 subscribers you can have a lot more power to chose how to monetize your channel beyond just views.