Debating Whether I Should De-partner or Stay


I Love YTtalk
The thing is, I can't tell how much I'm gaining from being a partner. I get a lot more views and money than I did before I was a partner, but I can't tell if this is because of being a partner or if I'm just making more interesting videos. The main benefit that I see from my current partnership is the free music libraries and the protection from being botted I guess. I have about a month to decide whether to put in a notice to stop the partnership. Anybody ever de-partner with bad or good results? How about contract renegotiation?
I'm going to be losing my partnership soon, as I decided not to renew. I mean, my main reason to begin with was the branding options (which are no longer relative). But now, it's more of a copyright situation. Either way, it's down to you. Sure there are benefits from being a partner, but equally, there are negatives.
I get less money, but I get more advertising from my partner because if they like your video they share it with the groups they are in.
Networks are overrated. There's no real benefit to networks except making more money but that's only a handful of networks. Most networks just lock you into s****y contracts and steal your money.
I personally think there are no down sides to being a partner. It is almost somebody to turn to if your adsense is revoked
I get less money, but I get more advertising from my partner because if they like your video they share it with the groups they are in.
That's why I'm debating, I don't know if my network has actually helped me gain views, subs, money, etc. I know they get a percentage, but I can't tell if I get better ads, promotions, or other perks like that. I mainly like the free music libraries that I get. It's hard to tell what effects de-partnering will have until I've actually done it.
The best benefit that I can see from being with a network is that your videos can be instantly monetized as soon as they are uploaded. They don't get 'held for review'.

If one was not in a network,i in order to avoid being delayed, I could always upload videos and have them scheduled to publish a day or two early to make sure that they have been approved for monetization before being published.

Otherwise, I'm not finding much benefit from being with a network.