Critique list?


Jul 27, 2017
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Hey guys, so i'm wondering if anybody uses any kind of check list when critiquing video's, or a does a general check list in regards to their own content before uploading?

I'm asking because when i've asked for feedback in the past for my videos i will often get the same responses about my poor mic quality, even though i've said specifically in my thread that i dont want comments about the mic quality as i know it's a problem, and something that i cant change quite yet.

I'm also hoping that with a critique list i can critique my own work better, and give better feedback in general as i find myself saying the same kind of things when i'm critiquing, and i'd like to expand on stuff when i'm critiquing.

Thanks all!


Super Poster
Jun 20, 2016
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There is no list. Just ask for someone to critique your videos or channel and they will do just that. I wouldn't ask specifically for people to ignore things, as that could potentially be the reason why the channel or video is doing so poorly.


Jan 17, 2017
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I think empathy goes a long way on youtube. Like understanding how people watch something on youtube. And you can do this by being aware about yourself when you are watching videos. Like asking yourself why you watch this channel or this specific video. Now you might be saying, "I can't represent the people watching my video because I am not those people."

True, but you still watch youtube videos like everyone else and statistically you interact with videos much like everyone else. So just take notes on how you enjoy content.

For example, if I'm subscribed to someone then that probably means I'll watch whatever they produce because I enjoy their personality more than the video.

Or when it comes to the recommended or suggested section of youtube, to get me to watch their video, the thumbnail has to be engaging or the title has to be engaging.

Now when I stumble upon a new content creator, I have no mercy when watching their video because I don't know them well. I'll click off their video because I wasn't entertained or it wasn't what I was looking. And sometimes it's due to content quality (poor audio or video etc).

So what I'm saying, if you are starting out, then it's best to be entertaining as much as possible. Your goal is to get people to like your video immediately then build your personality. A thing I do when I watch my video is that I ask myself if people are going to be bored watching this part of the video! If it's yes, then cut it out or edit it so it's more entertaining.

Edit your videos! So many people don't this. Don't do the typical "place the webcam footage here, sync up the audio, and render." Actually put some effort. Put some special effects. Do some masking. Do some video movement. Animate Text. Add some visual effects. If it's a scary gameplay, then change the audio so it sounds spooky! People will recognize these edits and will be engaged because so many new creators don't do it.

As for self improvement. Practice improv if you do more "hit record" type of thing. Or plan out what you're going to say. Doesn't have to be a script just an outline to keep you from rambling. Improve vocabulary a little bit so you don't use filler words like "basically, like, so, uhh, so yeah..." too often. Be energetic but don't over do it.

Now if you have an uploading schedule that is too frequent, then you're probably not going to have enough time to make all these edits. So I suggest making videos once per week. Then once you get the editting down, you can then determine wether or not to increase the upload frequency. Quality over quantity. Plus there are huge YouTube's that made a few 100 videos over several years, and they didn't have to upload frequently. Gaming is a different story because top channels more than likely outsource for editors which allows them to produce high quality content while posting daily videos. Plus they have a large following and their personality is established, so their audience will watch whatever they make. So don't compare yourself to big YouTube's.

And I think that's it. Read through this. Watch your videos critically while looking at what I said^. Fix your mistakes and try again.
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