Copyright For EA?


Active Member
I normally make comedy videos and rants, but I'm going to switch it up and start gameplays. FIFA is going to be one of the games I'll be playing.
Do you guys know if EA allows people to play, and then upload their content? I really want to play it, but I'm unsure about the copyright.
As far as I know they really don't mind, it's just usually the people who say they're getting claimed it those playing FIFA which does have copyrighted music in it.
EA is weird because they can be completely cool about one game they put out and then be like NO DONT TOUCH THIS GAME OR YOU SHALL BE STRIKED BY 5 THOUSAND HAMMERS!!! so usually contact them if you can actually get someone and get permission. It's just like sony for me because they claimed a lot of my stuff that they didn't even develop or own :p
Becarefuly with this sort of stuff when it comes to sports games. Sports games are very different in terms of licensing between the sports companies and the developers, compared to other games. EA may have published it, but FIFA is still copyrighted by The FIFA and this can result in problems when it comes to using sports game footage. Same with UFC, Madden, NBA etc... Regardless you will need to message EA for permissions anyways, during this process I suggest asking them specifically about any particular sports games you might be wanting to post footage of.