Content ID Claim


Active Member
Hey :(, I just got a content ID claim on my most viewed video for a song that features silently for about 30 seconds with the game audio over it & the video is 9 hours long! Already disputed the claim. Should I leave disputed as it is, or not play with that & delete the video?

I'd feel really bitter if I deleted the video, I've spent 2 weeks making it & it is 1/3 of my YT income.

I actually haven't been effected by it. Maybe it's because I am a small channel, I don't know, but my friend with about 50 subscribers had Content ID Claim on his videos. I don't understand whats going on with YouTube lately.
Thanks for the replies, this really came out of nowhere. SO silly to get a claim for a song thank makes up less than 0.1% of the video.
Thanks for the replies, this really came out of nowhere. SO silly to get a claim for a song thank makes up less than 0.1% of the video.

It's even worse when you get a claim for music that doesn't have music in it at all (Happend to me today).
^That sucks man, this new system is very flawed. Let's hope at least this is the end of claims for already uploaded videos.
I actually haven't been effected by it. Maybe it's because I am a small channel, I don't know, but my friend with about 50 subscribers had Content ID Claim on his videos. I don't understand whats going on with YouTube lately.
I totally agree :)
Youtube has well and truly ****** many people over :L
Which is sad because YT is awesome :L
It's mostly Google trying to ram their social network down our throats :L