Coming up with ideas??


Well-Known Member
Now this is a question I would really like to hear back on from a lot of you on the forum. Do you write down a bunch of video ideas and then just go down the list and record which you want? Or do you just think of random ideas on the spot for when you're in the mood to record?
I get ideas all the time that are not related to gaming, which i will eventually do and upload to my channel. The ideas that i come up with I never write down lol because i have a great memory. If you don't, i would for sure write them down. It's also good to be spontaneous with something. It can work either way. Whatever method works good with what kind of person you are, and makes you most relaxed. Go with that.
When i get random ideas I write them down for save keeping. I plan the good ideas out for videos and when the time comes where i am stuck for ideas I can use the ines I wrote down. I get inspired by a loz of things so i could say how i come up with ideas
Sometimes I'll randomly get an idea, so I have a note in my phone where I jot down my idea, and then later I can plan it all out. On google drive, we have tons of documents with a video idea, and then how the video works (directions, scripts) Then we decide which videos to make for several upcoming weeks.

Julia and Claire
Sometimes I'll randomly get an idea, so I have a note in my phone where I jot down my idea, and then later I can plan it all out. On google drive, we have tons of documents with a video idea, and then how the video works (directions, scripts) Then we decide which videos to make for several upcoming weeks.

Julia and Claire

This what i do but i use evernote when i put the ideas on my mac and have my timeline planned there too