Can Vagex get you banned?

Vagex is an exchange site.
You watch/like/subscribe in order to gain points.
Then you use these points to get likes,subsribers and views etc.
I think they can be bought also, but im not sure
Personally I don't see the point and why people would go through so much effort for views :c
Never trust something that states "real views". All bot systems say this to get you to trust them, and majority of the time the views are fake.

I've never heard of this website, but it sounds very fishy and I highly suggest avoiding it.
So there is a site called vagex which gives you views. These are actually real views so this is not a hack or a bot. Do you know if it can get you banned?
its not a bot and you cant get banner unless you fake views on monetised videos because otherwise everyone would be youtube rich. But i would highly suggest to stay away from faking your views.