Best Network?


Active Member
What is the best YouTube network in your opinion?
I'm just curious to find out. For me it is RPM because they are the network I am currently with and the only one I have ever been with :)
Imo there is no 'best' network, they all have there pros and cons. Although there are networks with the best reputation but that doesn't mean that they are the gods of all networks.
Imo there is no 'best' network, they all have there pros and cons. Although there are networks with the best reputation but that doesn't mean that they are the gods of all networks.
Ok, what if you could choose one network to get into, without having the requirements for it. What one would you pick?
Any answers that are straight to the point? haha :D

I'm currently with Fullscreen, I can say they are excellent network regarding service, but their RPM Suck! Curse very reputable and heard they pay well too. However still...... the best network is the one with the best contract, make sure you demand a minimum cpm/rpm before you sign. I regretted that I signed my contract because is "Fullscreen" XD