Being bullied for my videos

Alright so I posted a video on youtube and kept my channel private for a while, but 2 of my friends saw it and are making fun of me for it and it really sucks. how do i handle it... i don't want more people making fun of me, but i really like making videos.

Alright so I posted a video on youtube and kept my channel private for a while, but 2 of my friends saw it and are making fun of me for it and it really sucks. how do i handle it... i don't want more people making fun of me, but i really like making videos.
Don't consider them friends if they make fun of you.... If they are your friends they should support you...
anyways just don't mind them they will stop soon enough... if not bit*h slap them kidding =P
but yeah consider slapping them haha
you made the video cause u wanted to, not because of what your friends think. I made a video of myself singing ( as a joke) and my friends found out and they laughed but i wasn't bothered since i made it for the whole world to see and i knew the consequences and it was also a lot of fun to do. So my point is, it doesn't matter what your friends think unless u enjoy what you are doing. :)
I'm not worried about being bullied, being bullied at college would be pretty weird, and incredibly stupid, but the reason I don't tell friends is because before I do I want to have a larger fan base, higher quality content and just more reason to do it, because I know most friends wouldn't understand why I put so much time and effort into receiving so little back, but I enjoy it and my only advice is to ignore them, or just try not to care about what they say, they've not gone round everyone at your school telling everyone and getting more people to bully you so I think maybe they do kinda think its not too bad, so keep it up! And enjoy what you do!
Those don't sound like very good friends to me! If making videos makes you happy, then keep doing it no matter what others say. There will always be people like that, but just ignore them and don't stoop to their level. They're just jealous you found something that makes you happy.
It's one of those things where you need to have a certain level of dedication to it. If you upload 3 videos and then quit while your friends laugh - in their minds they are right. "Ha! I told you it was a waste of time!". But what if you stick with it and build a following? Your friends will feel like idiots. You'll be able to say to your friends "Oh, how many people are following you!? What are you doing with your time besides making fun of others?".
Don't worry, my friends were making fun of me aswell and I lost a couple friends because of it (we became friends again though). But once they found out I was gaining subscribers and views everyday, they suddenly took my YouTube channel as a positive.....hmmmm
Don't worry, my friends were making fun of me aswell and I lost a couple friends because of it (we became friends again though). But once they found out I was gaining subscribers and views everyday, they suddenly took my YouTube channel as a positive.....hmmmm
I have a friend who's what might be politely referred to as a Negative Nancy. And others who have constantly brought up my hobbies (including film-making) in conversation in an attempt to embarass me.

Just brush it off. At the end of the day, you're doing something creative that takes effort and that you enjoy. Doesn't even matter how successful it is (though if it is successful expect a little jealousy disguised as disdain).
Alright so I posted a video on youtube and kept my channel private for a while, but 2 of my friends saw it and are making fun of me for it and it really sucks. how do i handle it... i don't want more people making fun of me, but i really like making videos.

Hey Just say this Thread but I see that everyone is pretty much behind you.. As for your friends.. invite them on to be a part of your show.. Why would they make fun of you for being creative and expressing your self.. They don't sound like good friends to me I would lose them in a heart beat.