Before you give up

Sometimes some things don’t work for everyone. My passion helped me grow with just being on YouTube for just a little bit of time and lot of people around my age can relate to what I’m passionate about, but not every channel can grow that way I understand that. What works for one person doesn’t always work for other people. Is your main channel the channel that’s linked to profile?[DOUBLEPOST=1523915216,1523915200][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yes, i agree with you there wish is kind off my point in a nutshell. Everyone motives to succed and what drives them can be very different from person to person and its all good. I just dont like to discurage those who seek wealth in youtube as a main drive for them.

and yes thats my current channel, but im planning to end it soon as the algorithm its killing it.Went from 7k views+ a month to 500 views a day litterally from one day to the next.
that's i a very motivation speech you tell there... ty i fell like i can do more better than this and yah i just make you tube for my hobby to show it to other people :)
Great post! I'm not sure of other people but you do create your videos and hope that people enjoy them. For me its not to be famous, but it would be cool to just make enough money to pay for all the equipment lol. Now that you poised your question, what has YouTube done for me? I do have something, it has made our family actually go do what we've been wanting to do for decades. Travel the world, only this time we will be bringing to children and quitting high paying jobs. Fingers Cross things work out for the better.
Great post! I'm not sure of other people but you do create your videos and hope that people enjoy them. For me its not to be famous, but it would be cool to just make enough money to pay for all the equipment lol. Now that you poised your question, what has YouTube done for me? I do have something, it has made our family actually go do what we've been wanting to do for decades. Travel the world, only this time we will be bringing to children and quitting high paying jobs. Fingers Cross things work out for the better.
I absolutely agree with what you're saying. Undoubtedly. When starting something, regardless of what it is, I always make sure I know the WHY's. Why am I doing this? What do I expect from this? I believe people need to be honest with themselves when asking these questions, if not, the whole motive behind your actions will eventually fall apart. I do this because I truly love doing this. I love the satisfaction and the feeling when I get something done and I can see the 'fruits of my labors' per say. I think when people lose motivation or feel like giving up, they should ALWAYS remind themselves of their goals, and truly why they are doing this and what they truly want to achieve.
I just have one video up (for now) on my channel, but I started my channel so I could inspire others who may have been experiencing familiar the things I went through when I was younger. I also want to do lots of vlogs about the city that I live in.
Awesome advice! I'm also a shy person and I really hope uploading videos keep helping me with that.
I'm so shy I didn't tell anyone I know (friends or family) that I have a YT channel, people can't wait to share their channel and I do the opposite lol :giggle:
Awesome advice! I'm also a shy person and I really hope uploading videos keep helping me with that.
I'm so shy I didn't tell anyone I know (friends or family) that I have a YT channel, people can't wait to share their channel and I do the opposite lol :giggle:
I feel exactly the same. Talking in front of a big crowd or a camera (doesn't matter!) - I almost lose it. Buyt hopefully I'll get it together soon and gather some guts to actually make a new video. But I think that in the end it will help me in a lot of ways!