Avg. view duration vs. Avg. % viewed? Which is more important for algorithmic promotion?


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If two videos have 100 views each. One is 5 minutes long and has an average percentage viewed of 100% (aka 5 minute average view duration and 500 total watch minutes), and the other is 30 minutes long but has an average view duration of 6 minutes (aka a 20% average percentage viewed and 600 total watch minutes). Which video would get algorithmically promoted more?
I'm not entirely sure, but I think videos with more watchtime are favored by the algorithm -- so that would mean the one that's 6 minutes, or 600 minutes total. But, I think a video with 100% retention rate would do really well, too, especially in the search rankings...
I believe no one metric has the defining weight. As Katy mentions, a 100% retention rate is amazing and would offset the lesser watch time. Back in the day, when YT just switched the algorithm to watch minutes instead of retention, the game play video had a serious advantage, hence the immense growth of let's play channels and the like. However, they seem to have tweaked the algorithm for a balance of watch time and retention (relative retention is very important as well), which is demonstrated by the re-surge of animation channels (who post less often, but whom's videos are often watched fully and multiple times). So at this point, just going for views or watch time isn't enough. You need retention and interaction from your audience to be favorable to the algorithm.
The 5 minute one because they have the same level of view but if the 20 minute had more views I think it get more
I think both are important. the longer the video the lower the overall % can be but if a 7min video gets 6mins average view duration it will do beter than a 20 min video with a 8 min average view duration. but more total watch time does seem to be favored, at least that has been my observation on my channel.