• A descriptive title of what you would like reviewed.
I would like to have my channel overall reviewed, based off the linked video :) How could I improve my editing and overall persona?
  • Details of the particular video you want reviewed or specific aspects of your channel this can include your channel branding.
What aspects of the linked video are appealing or not appealing? What did or did not lead you to subscribe? I would love any actionable advice here!
  • Links/images for the content you would like reviewed.

LOVE AND LIGHT :) Always feel free to message me (anywhere) with advice questions or to connect! I love new people :)
I would have the camera up higher, if you're just using a web cam maybe sit it on a box. It keeps cutting heads off, your social media icons probably need to be up for a couple of seconds longer to be really seen. Other than that it's pretty standard whisper video nothing really stands out as wrong.
The video on itself is decent and pretty professional in terms of quality, but as you point out you're a bit late to the party so to speak :) so I'd recommend using Google Trends and stuff to see in Real Time what people are looking for and acting on that :)
keep creating! ^^