Am I Allowed To Show People's Tweets In My Video?


I've Got It
Hey guys.

I've always been told that anything shared in a public forum online e.g. Tweets, Facebook statuses and YouTube comments can be exposed in a YouTube video without the need to hide the person's identity (in this case, their twitter handle). I'm making a slightly controversial video in which I plan to show and argue against some people's negative tweets on a certain issue. Am I required to censor the people's Twitter names and avatars or am I allowed to post their tweets as they are?
As long as they are public and not private yes it's perfectly fine, in addition thought you cannot send hate because they disagree with you that would be classed as harassment.
You'll get a ton of blowback, possibly, but if they're public (and for Facebook, make sure it's 100% public, because using "Friends only" or locked tweets or Facebook posts is really not a good thing to do), there's no reason why you legally can't.
You can show tweets, and you don't need to hide public identities either. As long as their Twitter account is public, what they tweet is public, and therefor can be spread around.
Thanks for the awesome responses everyone! And don't worry. I'm not going to use this video to incite any hate or drama. I just wanted to know whether I'd have to bother censoring them or not :)