You make a good point. In fact we don't even own a camera. We beg borrow and steal to have the opportunity to shoot something maybe twice a month. Because this is the platform for video makers, I'd lost perspective. It just seems like the death of the entertainment industry, but that's narrow minded thinking. I personally don't like the change that the rapid expansion of media has brought to the artistic community, there is more opportunity, but with it comes less great work. It's even too easy for us to make a film, and the watered down content on YouTube has encouraged us to publish work that we would never submit to a festival-- so there's the potential for projects to be made without the studio system, the old guard thinking. But when views are our livelihood, it's too easy to forget that we are the dinosaurs. YouTube even pushes for more individuals alone with a camera, in their promotions. So of course, make whatever you want, but give the credit where it's due. Your films aren't bringing in the audience, you're just doing the leg work of promoting a product for a multimillion dollar company that will feel less of a need to invest in television programming, ultimately putting the creation of new media into the hands of the consumer. Customizable everything, so that you never get bored of playing. I loved video games. I love story tellers. When I play with my friends, the two come together. If we all have to live isolated inside of cubes with a monitor for human interaction, I suppose we'd better start filling the catalogue with quasi-human experiences before we completely forget what they were.