Adsense Stat Meanings / Is this good?

Below are my stats on google adsense for my youtube account but I don't really get what they mean. Where can I find a place to understand what each thing means?

Date: Page Views: Clicks: Page CTR CPC Page RPM Estimated Earnings
Dec. 9, 2012 1,806 11 0.61% $0.45 $2.75 $4.01
Dec. 9, 2012 2,924 24 0.82% $0.26 $2.12 $5.01
Well, it's hard to see the exact columns in your post, but without checking a report and off the top of our head...

Page views = number of times the ad unit displayed
Clicks = numbers of time any ad was clicked
CTR = click through ratio AKA % of clicks vs views
CPC = cost per click (or more accurately... earnings per click from your side)
RPM = revenue per thousand views
Estimated Earnings = total actual earnings estimate before any possible click audits

Also, found this as a secondary source...!topic/adsense/y1752w3mFJk

Hope that helps!