AdRev for a 3rd Party false claims

They just claimed my video and it don't even have music in it?? what gives them the right to claim videos that are fully owned by us.

Ive explained Nicely that I own all the rights so lets see what happens.
All I can say is, get used to it. Content ID system is pretty f****d up
I agree with that, There getting stricter every day.

I contacted them and they released the claim surprised they had the decentcy to do that lol but still doesn't state the fact they put my channel on risk.
They are are not getting stricter mate. They also have too many bugs in their system. Also, many publishers are raising false claims. Hopefully YT will sort it out soon as so many big companies and youtubers having problems with all that stuff
Guess we can't blame YT it's these companies making false claims.

and yes I hope they can sort it out soon as will.
they put my channel on risk.

No they didn't. A false or mistaken claim in ContentID has no lasting effects beyond monetization for that video being temporarily removed. The only time it causes a long term problem is if you dispute it once, have the opposing company disagree with your dispute and then file your appeal and lose that as well.

ContentID is akin to kids on a playground going around saying "hey that's mine". If it is, you get out of their way, if it isn't then you say as much.