A good network that will help grow my channel?


Well-Known Member
So yeah, I am wondering what is a good network to join in the future when I meet the requirements. The cpm doesn't matter for me atm but maybe the lock in will be depending how long the contract is. Unless all network are the same :l
Networks would not do that for anybody, but talking to people online who are similar to your channel will help your growth :D
The worst part about it is that's not at all how it should work. A network investing in helping its members grow helps not only the channel partner but the whole network.

If a network has 5000 members that are doing between 200-1000 views daily, and it helps them all grow 10x, the network adds 10,000,000 to 50,000,000 views per day, allowing them to increase CPMs across the entire network. But they don't, of course, because they don't have the manpower to help that many channels and they don't really know how to grow a small channel to a mid-size channel.
No networks offer such promotion to smaller channels. Only larger channel will recieve such promotion, and I'm talking LARGE. However, some networks do provide forums in which to show off your content, but there tends to be a lot of other people also doing the same thing and a majority of it is just spam posts.

Plus your only at 4 subscribers, why are you even currently considering a partnership?
Aahh I gotcha thanks lol.
No networks offer such promotion to smaller channels. Only larger channel will recieve such promotion, and I'm talking LARGE. However, some networks do provide forums in which to show off your content, but there tends to be a lot of other people also doing the same thing and a majority of it is just spam posts.

Plus your only at 4 subscribers, why are you even currently considering a partnership?
And I just wanted to know which one was a good network so I can check the requirements and try to join in later in the future