Totally agree with you! -- grow some balls-- haha!

really, i always think, build ya subs till you have 100, then stop sub for sub, then you want real subs otherwise it becomes self defeating doesn't it :)
im so confused, how would someone "buy subs" anyway? are they just literally paying someone to put a fake number there? or are they paying real ppl to subscribe? (i would never do that. im just wondering what that means exactly.)
im so confused, how would someone "buy subs" anyway? are they just literally paying someone to put a fake number there? or are they paying real ppl to subscribe? (i would never do that. im just wondering what that means exactly.)
They pay people who have software with thousands and thousands of dummy accounts loaded into. They use that to mass sub and give mass ratings to these channels that pay for it.
ohh i see. theres all types of crap out there, isnt there. lol
omg I'm sure what I just said is just the tip of the iceberg. I have heard big time youtubers will mass sub people just so these little guys get excited that a big time youtuber subbed to them so they tell their friends and so a group of people will sub this big time youtuber just because they spam subbed....one of my favorite YouTubers does it...Toby Turner.
omg I'm sure what I just said is just the tip of the iceberg. I have heard big time youtubers will mass sub people just so these little guys get excited that a big time youtuber subbed to them so they tell their friends and so a group of people will sub this big time youtuber just because they spam subbed....one of my favorite YouTubers does it...Toby Turner.
hahaha. thats hilarious.
Okay. No offense to your video, like I said I enjoyed it. If anyone could make a topic I find boring interesting it's you. But, I feel like it's something we've been talking about for a while now. That's all man.