5 second Content ID


I Love YTtalk
I remember people saying that you can use ten seconds or so of music and it not getting caught by YouTube's Content ID. I was just reading an article that mentioned a tweet from Josh Thomas (TheBitBlock on Twitter).

Notice how it was able to identify a 5 second clip! I wonder what is the fewest number of seconds that it really needs to identify copyrighted content?

Of course it's able to ID a 5 second clip. Why wouldn't it? We live in 2013, not 1988. In theory it could ID a song in 0,2 seconds.
My outro is from a Kraftwerk song and they haven't noticed it yet. The audio clip is under 30 seconds, IDK if that somehow doesn't trigger the copyright.
There will be a threshold of accuracy below which the liklihood of false claims is very high.At a certain point, one tone or sound will be indistinguishable from another but it will be a very short piece of audio at that point. I would suspect that it is in the 0-1 second range of data that would be required to accurately determine if the deritative is a piece of other source material.

It's worth remembering that often the human ear can identify a song base on a single second or two of audio. A computer is going to do that much more efficiently.
Still. That's a little ridiculous. Getting in trouble for FIVE seconds of a song :/
Still. That's a little ridiculous. Getting in trouble for FIVE seconds of a song :/

Oh absolutely. Though most often it's not getting in trouble. It's assigning ownership of your content to the group who owns that 5 seconds, which is even more ridiculous. As though that 5 seconds of audio is the single solitary piece of value in the video. This is why we desparately need partial ownership rules, not this all or nothing trash.
Oh absolutely. Though most often it's not getting in trouble. It's assigning ownership of your content to the group who owns that 5 seconds, which is even more ridiculous. As though that 5 seconds of audio is the single solitary piece of value in the video. This is why we desparately need partial ownership rules, not this all or nothing trash.
Yeah seriously...it's a little crazy. I can't see myself getting upset with someone using 5 seconds of one of my songs O_O yikes.
Yeah seriously...it's a little crazy. I can't see myself getting upset with someone using 5 seconds of one of my songs O_O yikes.
It's not necessarily being upset for usage of 5 seconds, they do however want dibs on the revenue. I think many of us would want to monetize our content if it was copied on a wide scale basis.