
Live life and express yourself.

5 Benefits of Keeping a Journal & Why you Should start Journaling


About a month a ago I went to my first personal growth event / meetup. And one thing I learned there was to keep a journal. I know it sounds very boring and girl'sh to start writing in your journal. But it has actually a lot of benefits.

Now 1 month later I've written a lot in my journal and I have to buy a new one because there is to much written in already. I write everything, random thoughts, emotions that I try to understand, things I learned during my day, fun things. Litteraly everything that is on my mind.

And after I've written in my journal I feel a lot more present, my brain is a bit more empty and I feel at ease. It is also very nice to understand your thought pattrens, feelings... You will get to know yourself a lot more by keeping a journal.

One important benefit of keeping a journal is that you can track your progress. You can see what you have improves on for the last few days, weeks, months. And it also helps you see what you still can improve on.

Let me know how keeping a journal benefited you.