100 Subscriber Special Ideas?


Proud leader of VideoGameAddictz!
My channel is at 99 subscribers right now, and I want to give thanks to our viewers when we hit 100 subscribers. The problem is I don't know how. I don't want to give a normal video of us saying thank you on camera, to me that is boring. If you guys or girls have any idea on what I should do, then please let me know. Some info you should take into consideration. The channel is a group channel with me and my two friends and we are a gaming channel. Thanks for reading! :)
It shows 98 for me, but maybe YouTube is being slow at updating it. Nice channel though, if you were at 99 you're now at 100 ;)

I think you should do something different to what you normally do, maybe a vlog-type video? And no, I don't mean sitting there thanking them like most people do, of course, thank your subscribers but maybe do it in a subtle way?
Make some sort of fun thank you video. If it's game related, how about some montage of you building something in Minecraft, that turns out to be a massive "Thanks for 100 subscribers" message or something?
Maybe you could make a video ABOUT not knowing what to do to celebrate. You could have all of you coming up with crazy ideas and eventually one of you says "Wait. What if we just let them know how much we appreciate everything..." (and maybe this goes on a bit longer) And then when they are done saying that everyone looks to the camera and smiles knowingly.

Congrats on the 100 by the way! :thumbsup2:
I can't look on your videos right now because of my slow internet on my mobile phone
but if you make funny stuff do a montage of the funniest parts! :)