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100 Subs


I Love YTtalk
I never asked them for likes or subs but did it and for that im thankful to them and ya'll on here. Love ya'll.

That's awesome... congrats! We have a habit of forgetting to ask for subs too, ha ha... that's great that you're doing so well!! :D
Thanks a lot DeeJay. I don't bother asking to be honest cause if people they sub and i'm thankful for it. Well actually I got the "Moral to this Follow me" now lol.
Congrats on 100 subscribers! The first 100 are the hardest and you made a huge milestone by getting there. Good job. =]

Also I don't see anything wrong to say "Please subscribe to stay up to date" etc once in awhile. Maybe not every video but then again I don't really ask them to when I should more. =\ Would probably help perhaps. Who knows.

Anyways keep up the good work! =]
I know right, lol I thought the same but then I compared it to me as a watcher. Lol so sadly dissed myself. Being a Youtuber and Watcher is weird because sometimes I look back on some of my vids and I wanna slap myself lmao