10 Ways To Improve Youtube Video SEO

I usually don't expect to learn anything new when I look into these help threads, simply because I expect them to be geared toward super-noobs. But, I really didn't know that the file-name you upload with has an influence on anything. Great information :)
I usually don't expect to learn anything new when I look into these help threads, simply because I expect them to be geared toward super-noobs. But, I really didn't know that the file-name you upload with has an influence on anything. Great information :)
Thanks, theres a link to the article below it which has an extra 3 points that I recently learned, you should take a look at them
There are many simple things that you can do to improve your video search engine optomisation that will help you get more organic(search result) views on Youtube and Google. Some should be done before you upload and others immediatly after.

1. Choose the right keywords - No matter how hard you try you will never be the top result for "lolcat" so don't waste your time trying. Pick a highly searched, low competition, relevent phrase to try an rank for.
2. Keyword rich file title - This is the title of the video when it is on your computer before you submit it to Youtube. Having it appropriatly named will get you good related videos. Not "FILEMOV04".
3. Keyword rich video title - Should be pretty much the same as the file title.
4. Description - Keyword rich yet descriptive. Strike a balance between search engine optomisation and user friendliness. Don't stuff with keywords either.
5. Tags that match your choosen keywords.

6. Views - Get lots of them, I hear it helps.
7. Early views - Getting lots of views as soon as your video is uploaded will get you up the search engine pecking order as they assume your video is relevent as popular right now.
8. Comments - An active community within your video is considered important.
9. Ratings - A poorly rated video will be classed as spam an given a bad ranking. The opposite applies for well rated videos.
10. Inbound links/embeds - Getting your video linked to on website and other social networks will make it appear to be viral and improve it's ranking.

11. Annotations: Youtubes search algorithm favors videos that drive traffic to other videos, channels or playlists through the use of video annotations.
12. Add your video to playlists: As playlists also appear in the search results adding your video to one will increase your chance of being found through searches. Users also prefer to watch related videos in playlists rather than search for 'part 2' themselves which should increase your views, thirdly a playlisted video will become an inbound link to your video.
13. Closed Captions: Closed captions are essentially subtitles on your video, adding them will increase your search position for phrases used inside the video that are not in the tags, description or title as well as cement your position for your choosen keywords. CC also allows users with poor hearing or no sound to view your video fully. Searches can also be filtered to allow only videos with closed captions enabled so make use of this if your video contains speach. Find out how to add closed captions to your video here.

The full article on improving your Youtube video SEO is available on YoutubeAcademy.net http://www.youtubeacademy.net/Artic...tats/10-Ways-To-Improve-Youtube-Video-seo.php
thanks for sharing this information.