spam filter

  1. LandyVlad

    Who actionsthe spam reports?

    Hi, Just a quick friendly question. Who actions the spam reports? Admin? Mods? Owner? Spam seems to be increasing rather than decreasing, and reports often seem slow to be acted on. Aside from the massive amounts of reporting - is there anything else we can do as members to assist?
  2. Free Commercial Use Music

    Toxicity in your comment section

    Just curious what your thoughts are on arguments in your comments section. Some may argue it's great for engagement as it equals more views and more comments but how much is too much? Eventually with too much junk people may just become turned off and unsubscribe.
  3. Adamsy

    Help with spam filter

    hey everyone i have an issue with youtube where most of my comments are marked as spam by youtube even if they aren't. Is there a way to get past this or is it just the youtube algorythm being silly?
  4. Uncivilized Elk

    Can I just say YT's spam filter for comments is really good?

    Kudos YT, the spam filter algorithms were constructed extremely well, at least based on my experience. It's caught like 95% of promotion or sub4sub attempts, and extremely rarely does it snag a legitimate comment (unless the person went on a commenting spree and left like 20 in a 10 minute...