search ranking

  1. C

    Mystery Video

    Hi everyone, So! I uploaded a video on my channel around A MONTH AGO. It's a quite specific video, with a very small audience I would say. In 4 days I got around 250 views. Back then, if I would search for my video (with the title I gave to it) my video was one of the first to come up. NOW...
  2. Brittneytaylorwg

    No one can search my channel???

    My channel is in good standings and has never had anything happen to it. Recently I have changed my name from my first and last name to my first and middle name for safety reasons. Now no one can find my channel by searching for it by name... can anyone help me out? It would be greatly...
  3. O

    The best tool to look up search volume for youtube keywords?

    So I am currently optimizing the SEO for all my videos, I find good low competition keywords but when I search for specific keywords in google keyword planner, kwfinder or serps it won't show search volume but I took the chance & decided to use the keywords which had a positive effect on my...
  4. cormac donohoe


    hey guys i was wondering if theres anyone out there who knows a back door or something like that to getting my videos to the top of the search rankings i already know about a good description,tags and title and all that stuff i already do it but it doesnt seem to work i was wondering if there...
  5. M

    Do dislikes count against you in any way?

    Hey guys, so I got a few dislikes on some of my videos and I'm wondering, how does this affect my channel if at all? Does getting dislikes give you a lower overall rating or put you lower on youtube's search ranking, or does it just count as "interaction" on the channel?
  6. GameTime

    9 amazing watch-time tips to rank higher in search results

    Wait wait, before I even introduce myself I want you to read all of the tips I gave, why? Because I can assure you that if you'll implement all those tips regularly, you'll rank higher in search results, get more viewers and more active subs and mainly - lead to awesome community based on your...
  7. WilBajamas

    Using Backlinks

    Hey there everyone, its been awhile since I've made a thread here but here goes. So I've been researching Youtube SEO for a week or two and I came across a topic called "Backlinks", I did some research on it and it is actually putting some of your video links on other website (small small links...
  8. WeiseGamer

    SEO/Page Rank Results and Stories - TubeBuddy Success Stories?

    So, many of you know I've been a long proponent of TubeBuddy and even helped with some tutorials on this site, as well as made a few videos for their channel, but I wanted to see what you all had for success with the app! This wasn't sponsored by @Phil @ TubeBuddy and I wasn't asked to make this...