
  1. Michael Lunatic

    Rate our Cosplay Interview channel please

    Please rate our YouTube channel. What would you rate us on a scale of 1-10 We're looking at feedback on the interviews, the channel art and look, the accessibility of the channel homepage and any areas we can improve on in the future. Any feedback we receive will be highly appreciated. Here's...
  2. Jim Meilof

    Vlog YouTube Interview Collab

    Hello! My name is Jim, and I work with a team of people on, a website where we perform interviews with people of different occupations. Recently we've been looking for more YouTubers to collaborate with and interview, and we'd love to do an interview with you! Just let us know...
  3. KaiCreative

    Other London MCM Comic Con - Filming and Collab

    Hey YT family, So we are going to be at London MCM Comic Con on Saturday the 28th of May 2016 at the London Excel Centre. We normally do interviews and more recently special effects videos. (check out our channel Kaicreative for examples and Andrewmediauk for our older stuff.) This year we...
  4. Purely Peña

    What recording equipment to use for outdoor interviews?

    So I have been doing a political series on my channel, and I am at the point I want to take my channel outdoors, for interviews with everyday people. Basically, I want to stop people on the street, tell them what I am trying to do, if they agree, then I have them sign a waiver, then I want to...