
  1. NecroPhantom

    First YouTube Video, Genshin Impact gameplay

    Heyy everyone! I recently decided to upload my first YouTube video. It's some gameplay on Genshin Impact, so far I have two videos about it. If you're interested in watching it feel free to click on the video here. I'm open to any sort of feedback (positive or negative) and if you like the...
  2. Floris Food

    Totally new,could use the feedback

    hey all! So ,as you saw in the title,im new here, And started a food vlogging channel on YT. (No mug bang,thats disgusting) I've worked as a cook for the last 10 to 12 years ,but due to private situations, I had to give this up. Things change unfortunately. What can I do now? Yes,youtube...
  3. SorryNoTitle

    Music Female Vocalists/Singers CHECK THIS OUT

    Hey Guys, If you're a female singer and between the age (12-32), I have an offer for you. I have made a background score, and lyrics for a song, which I will be posting on My Channel. Its gonna be an English song, so you'll need the basic accent and stuff. If you're ready for it, then You Have...
  4. Haikality

    Increasing English fluency by doing Let's Plays for foreign YouTubers?

    So, a lot of YouTubers out there (all genres, not only Gaming) upload videos on their languages. For Americans, Brits, Canadians, and Australians would have an advantage since they had English as their first language and almost everybody in this world would understand whatever they said. For...
  5. R

    Video language: Speaking English or English subtitles?

    Hi guys! I am starting another channel about my fitness and health in a vlogging type of way. Of course, this is an very present subject on Youtube. However, there are very few vloggers working on this subject. Therefore, I can see this working. But I'm wondering: can I reach viewers from...
  6. Tomc3

    Having a YouTube music channel

    Hello guys ;), A week ago i had an idea to create a new music channel (only English rap music) for YouTube, from the day i created channel i uploaded a new video every day, now i have 9 videos uploaded (0 subscribers ; 158 views), but is it worth it? why don't i get any subscribers? how to...
  7. F

    Gaming Looking for a family-friendly Minecraft Youtuber to collab

    Im looking for a family-friendly Minecraft Youtuber to collab, 12-16 years old, English-speaker. Skype: FilipTEM Minecraft: FilipTEC YouTube: FilipTEM Contact me on Skype.
  8. Quertier

    A Rusty Englishman. My idea for entertaining Rust episode

    hello everyone, hope you're all well and the creativity keeps coming. I have an idea for an episode or possible series, for the game Rust... Now for all of you who may not have heard of rust or played it, just know that the game can be very difficult due to it solely multiplayer gameplay and it...
  9. JOLAtheCOLA

    Our comedy channels review!

    Me and my partner in crime have worked on these videos for almost 6 months! Now at last we have finally launched our channel! Please help us! Could you give us your opinion about our first video? - Was the story good? - Did our video make you laugh? - How was the quality? Here is our video...
  10. Adelle

    Anime Opening Cover!

    This is my first ever cover and I am very excited! I don't have the best voice but I really enjoy singing and I love anime songs, so why not? =)
  11. MrWils

    Meet Up/Gathering Any YouTubers from Belgium?

    I am from Belgium but I make english video's I would like to know of someone else is from Belgium and it doesn't matters if you make Dutch video's. I just want some new youtube friends! I want to meet some new people! Thanks in advance! ~MrWils
  12. TheUglyWeed

    Gaming Gaming Group Here|UK|16+|PC

    Hey there everyone, To make this quick I am looking for a PEEPS that are similar to me. Requirements are: Must be 16+ Somewhere in the UK Must be on PC If you find yourself interested and want to contact me, here is where to contact me: Steam: TheUglyWeed
  13. Drazlash

    Should I start a new channel?

    The channel I actually have is the 3rd one I've made but I feel like its a pretty common gameplay channel, the only different thing it has is maybe some extra editing, so I was thinking on making a new one focused in videogame "cinematic shorts" and in English or maybe bilingual (My actual...
  14. LunaTheCrazyStuff

    Other Want to join a collab channel?

    I am in a collab channel, and we need 2 more people, we have one for every day other than monday and tuesday, so therefor we need some more people. If you are interested, you can check our first video on our channel with the auditioning details, you have to make a video where you say a couple of...
  15. SeanFace101

    Question about "Video Language " in Video Settings?

    When uploading a new video, or well editing one I suppose too, where it asks for "Video Language" to be chosen in the Advanced Settings page, does it mean the language as in Audio / Speaking? or is it meaning Text and Writing on the video also? For example, one of my videos doesn't have and...
  16. L

    Vlog Looking for a collab with English speaking YouTubers living in the Netherlands

    Hi! I'm posting weekly vlogs on YouTube and I have done a challenge with a friend who is not a YouTuber. I'm really looking forward to make collab videos with YouTubers from the Netherlands who are always speaking English in their vlogs. Are you one of those YouTubers who want to collab for...
  17. OrangeBackwards

    Gaming OrangeBackwards Collab e.g Minecraft and some steam games like warframe

    Hi guys im OrangeBackwards, and im looking to do a collab with some one ive got 17 subs and would like to grow. Requirments: 13+ of age must have minecraft and steam you have to be nice speak english have to have mic skype My skype is OrangeBackwards
  18. isaacdmann

    Meet Up/Gathering Any English Youtubers?

    HEY! :D Im isaac, im a new british youtuber living in Spain and would love to collab! Id also like to set up a group chat somewhere with an diverse group of friends to all improve together an have fun along the way! If anyone is interested please message :)
  19. BuBleuX45

    Gaming Minecraft Collab - Minigames, Custom Maps, Mods and More!

    Hey! I'm 15 and have 131 subscribers. I live in Britain and speak English (and Welsh). Since my last partner decided to quit, I have been in need for someone or some people to do a Minecraft video with. I want to have bantz and have some great moments! My only requirements are: 14-16 years old...
  20. Boomerang Games

    Gaming Boomerang Games!

    We are a group gaming channel, Pretty much group of six of us all at university. We all do youtube and gaming in our free time! We are looking for a possible other group of friends to game across channels with? Or if your an individual channel we have a couple of different series you could jump...
  21. darkstarmedia

    What The Heck Is IPA?

    It's a new week, and that means a new episode of DSM Language! This time, I explain the basics of IPA, what it is and why it's actually really important. Enjoy, my lovelies!
  22. darkstarmedia

    What The Heck Is Syntax?

    It's used in every language known to man. We use it every day without knowing. But what is it? In under 4 minutes, I cover the basics of syntax, why it's important and hopefully don't bore your socks off. Enjoy, my lovelies!
  23. Zach S.

    Para-Normal Bloopers!

    Here we take you behind the scenes of Para-Normal. Be sure to go back and watch the original film. Thanks for watching and please be sure to leave a comment about what you thought about the short film or bloopers. Don't forget to like and subscribe as well :) Thanks! "The Show Must Be Go" Kevin...
  24. K

    Can you create good content if you talk another language but you have subtitles?

    I have thought about beginning to do youtube for a while now but because i am unsure about my english because im from Denmark i didnt want to begin on doing YT. I want to make gaming videos and VLOGS. Because of this im now asking if you can make as good content with english subtitles on a...
  25. darkstarmedia

    Pointless England Facts!

    The next video in my SMARTER IN SECONDS series is now live! Designed with shorter attention spans in mind, it's ideal if you're revising on English History or want to appear more cultured at your next dinner party. Go forth and learn, my friends! By the way, apologies for any sound issues...
  26. darkstarmedia

    Common English Mistakes!

    I think we've established by now that I'm very passionate about my words, and my Facebook News Feed is no exception to my scrutiny! Watch my latest video and see if you're guilty of any of these common mistakes!
  27. mastorus

    Changing video location?

    So the deal is, I make gaming videos with English commentary, but I don't live in a country that speaks English. As you know, YT videos mostly appear near the upload location. Which is the problem. I want my videos to appear on a country that does speak English, or at least close. So, is there...
  28. D

    Voice Acting 1-Line ''black'' voice

    some people..