
  1. LCGaming

    DUB CITY!!!!

    Go check out our Duo dub and dont forget to like comment and sub if you'd like!! Hope you enjoy the content!!
  2. tinydog

    Software/tool to detect music and dub over it or mute it? (music detection)

    Greetings. Does anyone know of a way to automatically detect when music (not speech or other sounds) is playing from a particular audio source, and either dub over it with different audio or simply mute it? Basically, I'm looking for a music detection tool. Example: I'm streaming a NASA launch...
  3. GeoMFilms

    300 Goal achieved

    I've been uploading on youtube since Sept 2006, but i haven't really been trying to be somewhat consistent since a year ago. I was around 250 sub a year ago and i have been trying to gain 100....its taken me a year! haha i know that sucks but i got there. The funny thing is my old videos would...
  4. The Black Mastadonte

    Review on my Let's Play

    Hey guys. So I posted a video about this series before, but I took in more of your advice and am changing it accordingly. I've really upgraded from the first episode which is linked to this video. Today, I just wanted a review on how the series is going so far since I announced it. I enjoy the...
  5. Lightsen

    That awkward moment when...

    When you upload a video and someones dub of it gets more views... I mean, im not really mad, because said person did not monetise the video. they also did a very good job at dubbing it, also replacing my text with the spanish version. But still.... I wish youtube had a system where we could...