250 subscribers

  1. HyDraid

    250 Subscribers in 1 Single Month

    Well, The first 2 days I already reached 100 Subscribers which is really amazing if you only have uploaded your channel trailer :O And now I already reached the 250 (1/4 1K) in 1 Single month :O I'm so happy and I hope I will keep growing like this :')
  2. MistyEmma

    What are your YouTube goals for 2016?

    What are you aiming to achieve on YouTube this year? Do you have a subscriber/view goal? My end of year goal is 250 subscribers (I need about 100 more) :). I'm also aiming to keep uploads regular, because that's always been a big help when it comes to YouTube growth.
  3. Conight

    Quarter of a Thousand

    Growth is hard for someone with such a specific content genre Heres to those struggling under 1000... Goodluck and 頑張れ!
  4. caperco

    2K views + 250 Subscribers in 3 weeks:O

    Firstly thanks to anyone on the Yttalk forum who's watched any of my videos and thank you for helping me reach this milestone. Hi my name is Tim, My Hobby Is Making Videos, Making Vlogs & Playing Games And Pretty Much Doing And Watching Anything That Is Funny If You Like Comedy I Could Be...